Achievement of the Week
A call to this endpoint will retrieve comprehensive metadata about the current Achievement of the Week.
On-site Representation
The current Achievement of the Week can be found on the site's home page:
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Name | Required? | Description |
y | Yes | Your web API key. |
Client Library
import {
} from "@retroachievements/api";
// First, build your authorization object.
const username = "<your username on RA>";
const webApiKey = "<your web API key>";
const authorization = buildAuthorization({ username, webApiKey });
// Then, make the API call.
const achievementOfTheWeek = await getAchievementOfTheWeek(authorization);
val credentials = RetroCredentials("<username>", "<web api key>")
val api: RetroInterface = RetroClient(credentials).api
val response: NetworkResponse<GetAchievementOfTheWeek.Response, ErrorResponse> = api.getAchievementOfTheWeek()
if (response is NetworkResponse.Success) {
// handle the data
val achievementOfTheWeek: GetAchievementOfTheWeek.Response = response.body
} else if (response is NetworkResponse.Error) {
// if the server returns an error it be found here
val errorResponse: ErrorResponse? = response.body
// if the api (locally) had an internal error, it'll be found here
val internalError: Throwable? = response.error
"Achievement": {
"ID": 178634,
"Title": "Saved Summer",
"Description": "Defeat the Flower and let Summer Get Busy",
"Points": 10,
"TrueRatio": 11,
"Type": null,
"Author": "StingX2",
"DateCreated": "2021-10-16",
"DateModified": "2021-10-17"
"Console": {
"ID": 3,
"Title": "SNES"
"ForumTopic": {
"ID": 19685
"Game": {
"ID": 2865,
"Title": "~Hack~ Plumber For All Seasons, A"
"StartAt": "2023-10-23T00:00:00.000000Z",
"TotalPlayers": 427,
"Unlocks": [
"User": "Agnam",
"RAPoints": 56120,
"RASoftcorePoints": 1267,
"DateAwarded": "2023-10-26T22:13:34.000000Z",
"HardcoreMode": 1
// ...
"UnlocksCount": 280,
"UnlocksHardcoreCount": 268
"achievement": {
"id": "165062",
"title": "The True Hero",
"description": "Receive any Ending as Han [Normal or Hard]",
"points": "10",
"trueRatio": "22",
"author": "BigWeedSmokerMan",
"dateCreated": "2021-08-08 17:47:46",
"dateModified": "2021-08-09 12:20:05"
"console": { "id": "39", "title": "Saturn" },
"forumTopic": { "id": "14767" },
"game": { "id": "14513", "title": "Guardian Heroes" },
"startAt": "2022-10-10 00:00:00",
"totalPlayers": "219",
"unlocks": [
"user": "Tirbaba2",
"rAPoints": "72",
"rASoftcorePoints": "150",
"dateAwarded": "2022-10-10 01:42:19",
"hardcoreMode": "1"
// ...
"unlocksCount": "40"