User Summary
A call to this endpoint will retrieve summary information about a given user, targeted by username.
This endpoint is known to be slow, and often results in over-fetching. For basic user profile information, try the Profile endpoint. For user completion and game progress information, try the Completion Progress endpoint.
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Name | Required? | Description |
y | Yes | Your web API key. |
u | Yes | The target username. |
g | The number of recent games to return (default: 0). | |
a | The number of recent achievements to return (default: 10) |
Recent achievements are pulled from recent games, so if you ask for 1 game and 10 achievements, and the user has only earned 8 achievements in the most recent game, you'll only get 8 recent achievements back. Similarly, with the default of 0 recent games, no recent achievements will be returned.
Client Library
import { buildAuthorization, getUserSummary } from "@retroachievements/api";
// First, build your authorization object.
const username = "<your username on RA>";
const webApiKey = "<your web API key>";
const authorization = buildAuthorization({ username, webApiKey });
// Then, make the API call.
const userSummary = await getUserSummary(authorization, {
username: "xelnia",
recentGamesCount: 1,
recentAchievementsCount: 2,
val credentials = RetroCredentials("<username>", "<web api key>")
val api: RetroInterface = RetroClient(credentials).api
val response: NetworkResponse<GetUserSummary.Response, ErrorResponse> = api.getUserSummary(
username = "xelnia",
if (response is NetworkResponse.Success) {
// handle the data
val userProgress: GetUserSummary.Response = response.body
} else if (response is NetworkResponse.Error) {
// if the server returns an error it be found here
val errorResponse: ErrorResponse? = response.body
// if the api (locally) had an internal error, it'll be found here
val internalError: Throwable? = response.error
"User": "xelnia",
"MemberSince": "2021-12-20 03:13:20",
"LastActivity": {
"ID": 0,
"timestamp": null,
"lastupdate": null,
"activitytype": null,
"User": "xelnia",
"data": null,
"data2": null
"RichPresenceMsg": "L=08-1 | 1 lives | 189300 points",
"LastGameID": 15758,
"ContribCount": 0,
"ContribYield": 0,
"TotalPoints": 8317,
"TotalSoftcorePoints": 0,
"TotalTruePoints": 26760,
"Permissions": 1,
"Untracked": 0,
"ID": 224958,
"UserWallActive": 1,
"Motto": "",
"Rank": 4616,
"RecentlyPlayedCount": 1,
"RecentlyPlayed": [
"GameID": 15758,
"ConsoleID": 27,
"ConsoleName": "Arcade",
"Title": "Crazy Kong",
"ImageIcon": "/Images/068578.png",
"ImageTitle": "/Images/068579.png",
"ImageIngame": "/Images/068580.png",
"ImageBoxArt": "/Images/068205.png",
"LastPlayed": "2023-03-09 08:20:34",
"AchievementsTotal": 43
"Awarded": {
"15758": {
"NumPossibleAchievements": 43,
"PossibleScore": 615,
"NumAchieved": 41,
"ScoreAchieved": 490,
"NumAchievedHardcore": 41,
"ScoreAchievedHardcore": 490
"RecentAchievements": {
"15758": {
"293505": {
"ID": 293505,
"GameID": 15758,
"GameTitle": "Crazy Kong",
"Title": "Prodigy of the Arcade",
"Description": "Score 200,000 points",
"Points": 25,
"Type": null,
"BadgeName": "325551",
"IsAwarded": "1",
"DateAwarded": "2023-03-09 08:20:34",
"HardcoreAchieved": 1
"293526": {
"ID": 293526,
"GameID": 15758,
"GameTitle": "Crazy Kong",
"Title": "Super Smasher III",
"Description": "Get 6 smashes with a single bottom hammer on any barrel board",
"Points": 10,
"Type": null,
"BadgeName": "325572",
"IsAwarded": "1",
"DateAwarded": "2023-03-09 08:19:37",
"HardcoreAchieved": 1
"LastGame": {
"ID": 15758,
"Title": "Crazy Kong",
"ConsoleID": 27,
"ConsoleName": "Arcade",
"ForumTopicID": 20415,
"Flags": 0,
"ImageIcon": "/Images/068578.png",
"ImageTitle": "/Images/068579.png",
"ImageIngame": "/Images/068580.png",
"ImageBoxArt": "/Images/068205.png",
"Publisher": "Falcon",
"Developer": "Falcon",
"Genre": "2D Platforming, Arcade",
"Released": "1981-01-01",
"ReleasedAtGranularity": "year",
"IsFinal": 0
"UserPic": "/UserPic/xelnia.png",
"TotalRanked": 45654,
"Status": "Offline"
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"memberSince": "2021-12-20 03:13:20",
"lastActivity": {
"id": 0,
"timestamp": null,
"lastupdate": null,
"activitytype": null,
"user": "xelnia",
"data": null,
"data2": null
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"lastGameId": 15758,
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"contribYield": 0,
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"totalSoftcorePoints": 0,
"totalTruePoints": 26760,
"permissions": 1,
"untracked": false,
"id": 224958,
"userWallActive": true,
"motto": "",
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"recentlyPlayed": [
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"consoleName": "Arcade",
"title": "Crazy Kong",
"imageIcon": "/Images/068578.png",
"imageTitle": "/Images/068579.png",
"imageIngame": "/Images/068580.png",
"imageBoxArt": "/Images/068205.png",
"lastPlayed": "2023-03-09 08:20:34",
"achievementsTotal": 43
"awarded": {
"15758": {
"numPossibleAchievements": 43,
"possibleScore": 615,
"numAchieved": 41,
"scoreAchieved": 490,
"numAchievedHardcore": 41,
"scoreAchievedHardcore": 490
"recentAchievements": {
"15758": {
"293505": {
"id": 293505,
"gameId": 15758,
"gameTitle": "Crazy Kong",
"title": "Prodigy of the Arcade",
"description": "Score 200,000 points",
"points": 25,
"type": null,
"badgeName": "325551",
"isAwarded": true,
"dateAwarded": "2023-03-09 08:20:34",
"hardcoreAchieved": true
"293526": {
"id": 293526,
"gameId": 15758,
"gameTitle": "Crazy Kong",
"title": "Super Smasher III",
"description": "Get 6 smashes with a single bottom hammer on any barrel board",
"points": 10,
"type": null,
"badgeName": "325572",
"isAwarded": true,
"dateAwarded": "2023-03-09 08:19:37",
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"consoleId": 27,
"consoleName": "Arcade",
"forumTopicId": 20415,
"flags": 0,
"imageIcon": "/Images/068578.png",
"imageTitle": "/Images/068579.png",
"imageIngame": "/Images/068580.png",
"imageBoxArt": "/Images/068205.png",
"publisher": "Falcon",
"developer": "Falcon",
"genre": "2D Platforming, Arcade",
"released": "1981",
"isFinal": 0
"userPic": "/UserPic/xelnia.png",
"totalRanked": 45654,
"status": "Offline"